Measuring diversity and inclusion in your workplace

Are you interested in measuring diversity and inclusion in your workforce and improving understanding of the impact of inclusion and compare findings against benchmarks?

The Diversity Council of Australia (DCA) is inviting organisations to participate in their Inclusive Employers Index that enables Australian organisations to map and track the state of diversity and inclusion in their workforce benchmarked against leading D&I employers. The survey gathers data on your workers from a range of demographic backgrounds (e.g., Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background, age, cultural background, disability status, gender, sexual orientation).

Organisations that participate in the Inclusive Employers Index are eligible to be assessed as an Inclusive Employer 2021-2022. Organisations deemed to be Inclusive Employers are publicly promoted by DCA on its website and able to use associated communications.

Cost of participation is tier-based, dependent upon whether a business is a for-profit or a non-for-profit organisation, and how many staff they plan to invite to participate and whether they are a DCA member.

DCA is an independent not-for-profit peak body that leads diversity and inclusion in the workplace. DCA provides research, events, resources and expert advice across all diversity dimensions to its over 1000 members.

More information on the DCA Inclusive Employers Index can be found at Register Interest: Inclusive Employers Index | Diversity Council Australia (

TFFPN is a member of DCA and the wealth of resources available including webinars, articles, templates and expertise on all aspects of diversity and inclusion in Australia is invaluable.

Information on membership for your organisation to DCA is available at Why join DCA? | Diversity Council Australia